
Meet the line Concentrated Premixes

Meet the line
Concentrated Premixes


High quality technological ingredients that allow the creation of standard and/or exclusive recipes. Our concentrated premixes are capable of creating products with high flavor, color, aroma, softness, structure and freshness. In addition to providing economy and freedom to choose the flour for your recipe.

Ease of Pre-Mixing. Own Revenue Exclusivity.

PMAN created the core line WORLD BREAD precisely to meet the trends of Sensory and Pleasure, Health and Well-Being, Convenience and Practicality, Quality and Reliability and Sustainability and Ethics.

Mondo Bread they are concentrated premixes without adding flour; we only add technological and flavor ingredients, such as enzymes and sourdough. They are practical and give you complete conditions to develop recipes from all over the world, building customer loyalty and generating better results for your company.


  • Lower cost: as they are concentrated, the numbers allow for the aggregation of highly technological and high quality ingredients, without increasing costs; the flour can be chosen freely by the baker;
  • Greater technology: use of last generation Mother Dough and Enzyme Blends;
  • Possibility of creating exclusive recipes by the baker himself by mixing cores;
  • Standardization of organoleptic characteristics of bread;
  • Better taste, better aroma and better coloring.


  • They can be used in the manufacture of artisanal breads or packaged breads;
  • 30% concentration.